Alcohol and Illegal Drugs Policies

Briefly stated, the College respects the laws of Iowa which have established the legal drinking age at 21. Illegal drugs are not permitted on College property. Hawkeye Public Safety officers enforce College policies prohibiting the underage drinking and drug laws. The College cooperates with all law enforcement agencies in the enforcement of laws pertaining to the use, sale, and possession of alcohol and illegal drugs.

The College provides information and referrals to students and employees regarding drug and alcohol abuse education and treatment programs. See the Student Handbook or the Personnel Handbook for more information.

Read the Full Alcohol-Free and Drug-Free Campus Policy

Students: See Alcohol-Free and Drug-Free Campus for a more detailed description of the alcohol and illegal drug policy.

Employees: Employees should refer to the Personnel Handbook for a more detailed description of alcohol, illegal drug, and other College policies affecting employees.

Students and Employees: Also see the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report and the Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Biennial Review 2024 [pdf] for more information on Alcohol and Illegal Drugs Policies.

Contact Information

Public Safety

Hawkeye Center 216
Email Public Safety

Public Safety Officer


Public Safety Manager

Nermin Ferkic
Hawkeye Center 218
Email Nermin Ferkic

Public Safety Coordinator

Jenny Johnson
Hawkeye Center 228
319-296-2329 ext.1282
Email Jenny Johnson

Director, Public Safety and Emergency Management

John Kramer
Hawkeye Center 216
Email John Kramer

Executive Director of Human Resource Services

Susan Hauber
Hawkeye Center 101
Email Susan Hauber

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